Comprehensive consultations to establish your skincare needs and a custom plan to achieve your best skin

Using the information from both your confidential consultation form and through further discussion with you, your Skincare Therapist will be able to advise you on the best internal and external home care and customise a treatment plan best suited to your skincare needs, budget and lifestyle. She will provide ongoing care and guidance throughout your journey to achieving your best skin


60 minutes

It is important to work holistically to achieve beautiful, healthy skin. Your internal health directly affects the health and appearance of your skin. Your skin tells the story of what is going on for you, internally and externally. By working holistically we can treat the root cause and achieve more promising results than by solely working topically

    • A one on one consultation with a qualified and knowledgeable Skincare Therapist

    • Discussion of key insights from your Consultation form which your Therapist will have reviewed before you meet up

    • An opportunity to share your skin concerns and goals

    • A cleanse, tone and moisturise using the products recommended for your skin so you can experience how they feel

    • An up-close examination and analysis of your skin under the magi lamp

    • Recommendations for the best skincare products for your skin goals and budget

    • Written prescription for your daily skincare routine at home

    • Recommendations for the best in-clinic facial treatments for your skin goals and budget

    • Skin nutrition recommendations to nourish your skin from within


30 minutes

Your skin goals evolve as you do. The skincare product that was right for you last winter might not be right for you now. Seasons change, life changes, you change and your skin reacts and responds to it all

That’s why we would like to see you at least once a year for a 30 minute Skincare Check-In

We want to make sure you are using the best skincare products, treatments and skin nutrition boosters for your skin’s changing needs

    • A one on one consultation with a trusted, qualified and knowledgeable Skincare Therapist

    • An opportunity to share your skin concerns and goals

    • An up-close examination and analysis of your skin under the magi lamp

    • Updated recommendations for the best products for your skin needs and budget

    • Updated prescription for your daily skincare routine at home

    • Updated skin nutrition recommendations to nourish your skin from within